
Laura Flórez Castellar, Lorena García Cely: Feralization of Curatorial Practices: The Encounter 				Between Community Activists and Curators of Memory Centers
Feralization of Curatorial Practices: The Encounter Between Community Activists and Curators of Memory Centers
(S. 237 – 256)

Laura Flórez Castellar, Lorena García Cely

Feralization of Curatorial Practices: The Encounter Between Community Activists and Curators of Memory Centers

PDF, 20 Seiten

  • Ökologie
  • Künstlerische Praxis
  • Globale Ökologie
  • Klimawandel
  • Kooperation

Meine Sprache

Aktuell ausgewählte Inhalte
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Laura Flórez Castellar

Laura Flórez Castellar is a research assistant of art and society at the University of Kassel and a faculty member of ethnographic methods at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (HES-SO). She is a curatorial committee member of the exhibition La Violencia en el Espacio, Memoria, Arte y Verdad at the Museo Nacional de Colombia (2024–2025) and co-authored with Lucía Expósito-Cívico Promesas que resisten a los modelos de industria académica en Europa: Alianzas entre investigadoras subalternas (Lutas Anticapital, 2024). She is an artist (National University of Colombia), anthropologist (University of Neuchâtel) and a PhD candidate at the University of Kassel.

Lorena García Cely

Lorena García Cely is Head of the Department of Creativity and Human Expression and a professor of contemporary aesthetics and art theory at Universidad Icesi in Cali, Colombia. Her professional career spans academic, cultural, and artistic institutions. She worked at the Museo Nacional de Memoria Histórica and the Centro de Memoria, Paz y Reconciliación in Bogotá, Colombia, and engages in various memory processes, serving as a curator and producer of exhibitions. She has extensive research experience, reflected in published articles. She holds a PhD in Aesthetics and Art from the University of Paris 8 and two master’s degrees from the same university: one in Contemporary Art and New Media and another in Philosophy and Contemporary Cultural Criticism.
Liliana Gómez (Hg.), Fabienne Liptay (Hg.): Eco-operations

Liliana Gómez (Hg.), Fabienne Liptay (Hg.)


Broschur, 336 Seiten

PDF, 336 Seiten

The climate change crisis has become part of aesthetic discourse and critical research in culture and the arts. Future-oriented, ecologically conceived possibilities for action are being explored by artists, curators, and scholars alike. Eco-operations addresses these emerging aesthetic ecologies and new technologies of cooperation that both challenge and shape a sustainable future, foregrounding interruptions, ruptures, disconnections, dissonances, exclusions, and allochronism. Moving beyond the concepts of “flow” and “network” as a single, coherent (ecological or technological) system, Eco-operations instead emphasizes the frictions within asynchronously running systems. The infrastructures and formats of artistic production and exhibition play a central role here, as they themselves constitute ecosystems that invite and regulate processes of sharing and exchange. Artists and activists are embedded in these ecosystems, in which they simultaneously intervene when searching for alternative ways of creating collaborative practice. Bringing together scholars, artists, writers, and curators, and working across a range of disciplines, Eco-operations explores this field of tension between global and local ecologies, and aims to speculate on where dissonances imply both creative potential and political challenges.


With contributions by Dalida María Benfield, Ursula Biemann, Lisa Blackmore, T. J. Demos, Laura Flórez & Lorena García Cely, Sandra ­Frimmel, Alexandra Gelis, Liliana Gómez, ­Fabienne ­Liptay, Ana María Lozano, Uriel Orlow, Dorota Sajewska.
