
Erich Hörl, Nelly Y. Pinkrah, ...: Introduction
(S. 7 – 24)
  • Digitalisierung
  • Kritik
  • Digitale Kultur

Meine Sprache

Aktuell ausgewählte Inhalte
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Erich Hörl

Erich Hörl

ist Professor für Medienkultur und Medienphilosophie an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. Er arbeitet an einer allgemeinen Ökologie, der Kritik der Kybernetisierung aller Existenzformen und einer kritischen Theorie der Environmentalität sowie an einer Faszinationsgeschichte von Nicht-Modernität. Er publiziert international zur Geschichte, den Problemen und Herausforderungen der gegenwärtigen technologischen Bedingung. Zu seinen Publikationen zählen u.a.: Sacred Channels: On the Archaic Illusion of Communication, mit einem Vorwort von Jean-Luc Nancy (2018); General Ecology. The New Ecological Paradigm (Hg., 2017); »Die Ökologisierung des Denkens« (Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, 2016); »A Thousand Ecologies: The Process of Cyberneticization and General Ecology« (in: The Whole Earth. California and the Disappearance of the Outside, 2013); Die technologische Bedingung. Beiträge zur Beschreibung der technischen Welt ( 2011, Hg.) und Die Transformation des Humanen. Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte der Kybernetik (2008, Hg. mit Michael Hagner).

Weitere Texte von Erich Hörl bei diaphanes

Nelly Y. Pinkrah

is a research assistant/doctoral candidate in the DFG research training group “Cultures of Critique” at Leuphana University Lüneburg where she prepares her thesis on Édouard Glissant and Cybernetics. In 2013 she co-organized the annual conference of the German Society for Media Studies and has also been working for the chair of History and Epistemology of Media since then. From October 2018 until May 2019 she was a doctoral Fellow at the Global Emergent Media Lab at Concordia University, Montréal. In June 2019 she organized the inaugural Stanford Leuphana Summer Academy on Media Studies. Areas of interest include: media (and) technology, black studies, black feminist and critical race theory, and political thoughts and practices.

Lotte Warnsholdt

is Junior Fellow at Internationales For­schungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften (IFK) in Vienna and a doctoral candidate in the DFG research training group “Cultures of Critique” at Leuphana University Lüneburg. Her research is interested in media history, memory studies and forms of critical practices. In her doctoral project she examines the genealogy of predictive media and asks the question of how prediction challenges the conditions of the modern project of critique. She has co-edited the anthology Weiterschreiben. Anschlüsse an Rebecca Ardners »Affirmation und Negation als Figuren der Kritik« (ed., Judith Sieber, Marius Hanft) (Hamburg: Katzenberg, 2020) and, together with Liza Mattutat and Heiko Stubenrauch co-authored “Is Code Law? Kritik in Zeiten algorithmischer Gouvernementalität“, Kritik in Digitalen Kulturen, ed. Laura Hille, Daniela Wentz (Lüneburg: Meson, 2020 (forthcoming)).
Weitere Texte von Lotte Warnsholdt bei diaphanes
Erich Hörl (Hg.), Nelly Y. Pinkrah (Hg.), ...: Critique and the Digital

The computerization of today’s world has fundamentally transformed the sites of and for critique, and it challenges the meaning of critique as such. The subject of critique, constituted through the cultural techniques of modernity, now collides with the digital, which, as a condition of contemporary life, can be seen both as a product of modernity and as its very ending. Digitality severely alters the subject of critique and its spacio-temporal relations; it may even deprive the subject of its potentiality to be critical in the first place. The authors of this volume therefore examine the existence of critique in the digital, asking what it might be and in what settings it occurs.